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Association for the Defense of Refugee Rights / Association de Defense des Droits des Refugies (ADR-Burundi)



Current projects include the provision of legal aid, the monitoring of cases of repatriation, countering violence against women and children, monitoring and promoting human rights and freedom of expression, and supporting orphans and vulnerable children.


ADR-Burundi is an organisation set up by refugees to provide representation for and advocate on behalf of refugees who find themselves in Burundi. They work in partnership with other human rights organisations within Burundi and the region to provide assistance to refugees and report on abuses committed against them and their rights.


موقع الكتروني:


(1) +25 77 94 45 120 (2) +25 77 91 04 868 (3) +25 77 94 78 222 (4) +25 77 91 86 812 (5) +25 77 93 74 908

بريد إلكتروني:


Camp de Kinama, Gasorwe, Burundi

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