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Bandhu Social Welfare Society



The primary objective of creating Bandhu panel lawyer is to ensure legal support and counselling for sexual and gender diversified population in every district across the country. Bandhu also implements essential Sexual Heath and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) activities including HIV intervention, legal support, capacity building and policy advocacy with an aim to bring positive changes in the lives of thousands of community members by addressing the social, religious, cultural and legal impediments in terms of their rights and freedom.


Bandhu works towards ensuring a dignified living for sexual minorities through protecting human rights, quality health including sexual and reproductive health, access to social security and justice.


موقع الكتروني:


Telephone# +88 02 222229898, 9356868, 58316041
SRHR Helpline# +88 01714 048418, Legal Helpline# +88 01771 444666

بريد إلكتروني:


Head Office : 99 Kakrail, (2nd & 3rd Floor), Dhaka-1000 , Bangladesh.
Project Management Office: 62/A Siddeshwari Road (8th floor) Ramna, Dhaka- 1217, Bangladesh.

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