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IHR (nstitute of Human Rights Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka


Legal advice and representation
Providing legal advice and assistance has been at the core of IHR’s work in the past, and would figure prominently in its future activities. It involves administering of professional legal services and representation, pertaining to fundamental rights, to those seeking such assistance, with special emphasis on those wrongfully detained.

Human Rights education and training
Education and training provided on human rights would be a vital component of IHR’s activities, which would permeate through its overall programme. Training programmes, workshops and study courses, designed to educate the public, empower victims of human rights violations and build the capacity of resource persons, would be the sum of activities undertaken under this programme area.

Empowerment of detainees and conflict affected persons
In addition to providing physical and financial aid to detainees and conflict-affected persons, IHR’s programme would extend to psychosocial support and vocational training, aimed at empowering marginalized groups. Furthermore, the organization would undertake lobbying and advocacy for the elimination of discriminatory practices by institutions, that directly impede the security of the rights of detainees and conflict-affected persons.

IHR has consistently advocated for Rights and Justice, particularly for vulnerable sections of our population. Examples are found under News.


Promoting Human Rights by providing access to justice, education and training, and humanitarian assistance.
We are an independent, non-profit, non – governmental organization incorporated on the 7th of March 1994, under the provisions of the Companies Act No: 17 of 1982 and registered with the Department of Social Services. From our inception in 1994, we have been serving and educating the public at a national level, in an effort to achieve our vision.


موقع الكتروني:


+94 011-4061461 - Ext: 675 / +94 011-4061440

بريد إلكتروني:


No: 15/5. Victoria Place, Colombo 8.
Sri Lanka.

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