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Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Korea (HaengSeongIn)

South Korea


We, as human right organisation representing the rights of sexual minorities who are mostly discriminated and marginalised within the power structure of Korean society, do our endeavor in order to retrieve human rights of those who are put on the sexual(gender) inequality of all kinds of forms including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender/transexual.
We do respect for individual's sexual autonomy.
We do advocate for producing a diversity of sexual minorities culture.
We do fully support for individual's coming-out and respect his/her opinion about the coming-out.
We make efforts to communicate with sexual minorities across the world by strengthening solidarity in between other human rights groups/organisations, including international solidarity.
We strive for abolishing discriminatory elements like social status/position, age, and sex(gender).


HaengSeongIn started as LGBT association of Korean University in 1997 and has changed its name to the current organisation, HaengSeongIn in 1998, and since then our organisation as one LGBT representative has been leading LGBT activity till now. Many gender diversities, such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transexual and Intersexual come together to achieve the society respecting the human rights of minorities. Any heterosexuals who are in favour of minorities human rights are able to join our activism on equal terms. As the diversity is valued, all our members are endeavoring to enhance the human rights sensitivity of all of themselves with respecting each other so as to avoid any unintended-discriminations against other members, based on disease, education, age, gender, and sexuality.


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