Spectrum Uganda Initiatives
Spectrum has been supportive and a part of the many struggles the LGBTI movement in Uganda has endured; with mobilizing grass root communities, court sessions, litigation and most recently the Anti-Homosexual Bill. Through our programs community members have gained a sense of self-esteem and of hope. We have established a sense of trust within the community and we have seen an increase in reporting cases of both medical and personal threats etc.
In 2004 a group of forty men who because of their sexual preferences were denied health care, jobs and protection, held a meeting and Spectrum Uganda Initiatives was founded. Over the years, our major focus has been providing services, documentation and advocacy on HIV/AIDS among the MSM/GM population in Uganda. In addition to direct client service, the organization advocates and lobbies for inclusion of MSM/GM’s in national health programs, and fights discrimination in the public sector with a focus human rights awareness and economic empowerment.
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0800 100 040
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