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Ufficio Pastorale Migranti (UPM) Il Punto di Domande - Centro Aiuti Elaborazione Storie Richiedenti d’Asilo

Italy - Turin


It offers services of: welcoming, listening and information on the resources offered by the city area; orientation and training; support in the preparation and forwarding of practices relating to residence, citizenship, and family reunification; project management in support of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons; support for vulnerable groups, in addition to the aforementioned refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons: single unaccompanied minors, invalids, women victims of trafficking, single women with children; Italian language and culture courses; information and awareness-raising activities in the area.


The Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants is the Office of the Archdiocese of Turin whose statutory task is to operate in the following areas: foreign immigrants; Italian internal migrants; refugees, displaced persons, stateless persons and asylum seekers; Italian emigrants; traveling show people;
Roma, Sinti and Nomads.


موقع الكتروني:


011.2462092 / 011.2462443

بريد إلكتروني:


Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants
Via Cottolengo 22, 10152 Turin

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