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Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen (Flemish Refugee Action)



Thye provide information to asylum seekers upon arrival to Belgium; support schools in their role as a host for young asylum seekers; protect people fleeing war, violence or persecution through policy work, support and campaigns; provide day care, integration, hospitable funds. They also focus on voluntary and forced return and an information line.


FRA is committed to people fleeing war, violence and persecution. We do this not only with about thirty member organizations and many enthusiastic volunteers. Together we increase the pressure on policy and raise awareness among the general public. We work on quality care and are active in the area of ​​integration . We support everyone who assists asylum seekers and refugees.


موقع الكتروني:


02 225 44 00

بريد إلكتروني:


Kruidtuinstraat 75, 1210 Brussels (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)

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